


Maple Memories Series 2

Image of Maple Memories Series 2

It's probably been several years since the last time you logged in. Somehow you still remember this as if it were yesterday. You spent so many hours exploring the unknown and getting yourself into trouble. You've made many friends along the way. The Swamp of Despair is an area where only the strong survive. From the Jr. Neckis with incredibly high evasion to the mysterious Dyle who lived at the abandoned hut, you might have felt fear but kept pushing on. This game was my childhood and I don't want to forget about it.

Due to the size of these sheets, shipping will be higher than other stickers. Only shipping within the United States will come with tracking.

Each sticker sheet measures 5 inches by 5 inches. Therefore the stickers within them are roughly 2 inches by 2 inches. Dyle will be roughly 3 inches by 3 inches.
Series: MS1
Finish: Gloss
Printed by: TRS
Weather/Water Proof
Sticker Sheet